Okinawan Music

Unwind and feel the harmony of Okinawa, the Ryukyu Soul.

“Shi-sa”, a traditional Ryukyuan cultural artifact
Established 2023

Okinawan Music Production Startup in the Entertainment Capital of the World, Los Angeles

Feel the Ryukyu Soul through Music. Our musicians bring the chill Okinawa vibes with heartfelt music when you can’t make it to Okinawa in-person.

In addition to the melody, our artists offer online courses for those who are interested in learning the unique Okinawan music, dance, and culture from all over the world! Become a part of a unique community!

Award & Accolades of our Musicians

Our musicians are not only great artists, but they are recognized! Some awards held by our musicians include:


What Our Fans Say

“Soothing music from beginning to end. Feels like I’m back in Okinawa even when I’m miles away from the island.”
“Makes me feel like going to a local Okinawa-themed bar.”
Local in Tokyo