A Few Words About

Our Production

We connect Okinawan music artists with the world from the
Entertainment Capital of the World (Los Angeles)

Ryukyu Rikyu USA, LLC
powered by ShibuLA Ventures

Okinawan music is deep! Okinawan culture is deep too! For example, Okinawa’s Sanshin guitar has Ryukyuan classical music and Ryukyuan folk songs, each with its own style, and many Okinawans may not even know about them.

For the artists who perform in Okinawa’s live music events, Ryukyuan music is their soul, and they feel it is an extension of themselves. With a deep passion for such performers and a desire to make the world more aware of the inner soul of Okinawa, we started this initiative.

While for songs are frequently sung, what’s popular is Okinawan pop music. But Okinawan music is so much more extensive that it cannot fit into even an encyclopedia-sized book. Local music is like a history book of the region.

It may be a melody that originated in the distant past and place from your home. But through music, we hope you get to sit back, relax, and get to know Okinawa while you’re at it!

Performer and audience having a fun time at a restaurant in Okinawa
Our Team

Meet Our Team

The team that is making this happen.

Misae Shinzato


ShibuLA Ventures

Venture Build Team
